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 Plus Texas events, places to see & useful information like how to pronounce Mexia and spell "Y'all"

Bringing Texas artisans online since 1998 

Certified Texan T-Shirt for Kids
Certified Texan T-Shirt for Kids
Certified Texan T-Shirt for Kids

Product Image Gallery:

Teach a Texas kid how to dress properly in our own "Genuine, certified, authentic Texan" t-shirt.   It's the stamp of approval that counts!

Whether it's living legends or our history, Texas heritage is alive and kicking in one way or another. This Texas t-shirt is available in a variety of styles and sizes, from infant to adult.
$10.99 and up

Buy a Genuine Texas Kid T-Shirt at Truly Texan's Cafepress store. Heck, buy several. I'll be so proud!
Link opens in new window

Related Items
Texas Baby Shirt One-piece
Baby clothes for Texas babies

Prices & More Info

The Texas furniture, art, gifts and jewelry we feature is available directly from the Texas companies shown here.  On any item we feature, there will be a link on the detailed description page that tells you how to buy that product. It sends you to the artisan or service provider's website so you can see everything they offer, not just what we show here.

And don't forget to tell them you found them at Truly Texan!  "Purty" please.

T-Shirts for Genuine, Certified, Authentic Texas Kids

Showcasing Texas artisans and companies since 1998
* I do not accept everyone who applies.  In fact, over the years, I've turned down more applicants than I've accepted.

(512) 663-8575  (If you are a salesperson, please do not call me.  I fear I may be rude)

copyright 2023 C.C. Blewett   All rights reserved. No unauthorized reproduction allowed.             See my faves on my Amazon shop


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